Week 9 --hiatus from animation?

Hello blog,

As of this week I've completed 15 shots (at least through rough animation). I also learned this week that cleanup is even more time-consuming than the rough animation itself, and while I want my linework to be crisp enough to be readable, I also don't want to lose the life of the original animation. My biggest reason for even bothering with clean-up is the maintenance of volumes though; I find that some of the shots I've already animated get a little wobbly with shapes.

I'm devoting this week to reworking my first scene--so that means that I'm mostly taking a break from animation in order to focus on story. This is a good week for it because I was hired to help out for two half days at the Adobe Max conference and actually have a few other school assignments and commissions that all conveniently fell into one very busy week. So I'd rather take a break from animation and do some creative thinking (otherwise I think it'll just be a little too stressful and I don't want to end up having to redo a shot that I didn't get to spend enough time on the first time around.)

I'm also in a little bit of a casting snafu so if you speak Italian and do voice acting, send me a message ;). Luckily I planned animation for my dialogue-driven shots for later on in the semester and I'm actually on-track enough so far that I might be able to get away with reworking my schedule so that all of the dialogue shots are done in the Spring.

Proof of concept due-date is creeping up on me, so I need to narrow in on which shot I will use. I'm torn between either the shot I just animated this past week (the little kids fighting over the basketball) or the old man finishing his coffee and walking out of the bar, because both shots are technically 2 shots, so it would require me to create 2 unique backgrounds and both are decently-enough sized to be a good frame of reference when it comes to parsing out time in my schedule next semester for creating background art, setting turnaround dates for shots to be colored and finishing animation in general.

That's all that's new!


  1. Hi Margaret- it looks like there are some leads for Italian actors. Did you receive the emails? Could you follow up soon?

    Regarding clean-up, do you trust anyone else to help you with it? I know it is time consuming.



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